Thursday, October 23, 2008

Announcing... Finnegan Gareth Wells! The next great Baltimore Oriole arrived at 12:12pm today the 23rd! 6 lbs. 11 oz. 21 inches long. Big blue eyes and a shock of brown hair. Mom and baby are both healthy and currently sleeping. From first contractions to birth about 13 hours. We are huge epidural fans! Only two hours of pushing before Finn fairly jumped into this world, a long slender slice of lovable, miraculous wonder. Pappy is very proud! Pics a bit later. Love to everyone!


Grandma Janet said...

Dear family:

We are so thrilled with little Finn joining the Wells family. I've already updated the WellsList. Somewhere in heaven Gary is nudging Layne and saying "I'm a grandpa!!!"

love Grandma Janet

The Jacksons said...

YAY!!! We're so excited for you two- congratulation, what a handsome little boy. Wishing Abbie a speedy recovery.

The Jacksons said...

oops- I obviously meant to say congratulationS!