Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Where Does the Time Go?

Whoa, can't believe it's been 22 days since I last posted...  Sleep deprivation will do that to you, I suppose.  In any event, here are some more pics of Finn, who is growing like a sprout and whose affection for his mother's milk is boundless.  Some running nicknames are "Chubby Twocheeks," "Marty Milkman," "Chico," and "The Toxic Avenger" (for the rather random hairloss pattern he's currently suffering through).  Mom and dad are tired but healthy and that's a good thing.  We want to thank Grammies Carla, Janet and JoAnn for visiting in November!  It's supposed to snow 3-6 inches in the next two days, so with some luck we'll have some snowman pics, too, in a few days.

Monday, November 10, 2008

New Pics of Finn

Ha Ha....  It looks like Finn has been watching Cal football again...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Chase for Sleep

Sleep dominates our lives at the moment.  Or perhaps it is better to say that the lack of sleep dominates our lives.  Or perhaps the desire to sleep dominates.  The Finnster is a finicky sleeper, with no real discernible patterns emerging yet.  It's still nurse, poop and sleep, though in no particular order, and at no particular times.  Oh well, we were warned!  Here are a few more photos as he starts to really grow into his skin (literally - most of the wrinkles are gone, and he's plumping out on mom's milk!).  Despite our lack of sleep, we still can't get enough of the little guy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

More Photos

Finn Photos

Finn is such an expressive and content little creature!  He does seem to have his activity clock a bit backwards, being most active and hungry between 10:00pm and 3:00am, but we're optimistic that we can turn this around a bit.  He just passed his first pediatric appt. with flying colors (although he did take a massive wizanski right before the doctor came in!), and is already starting to put on weight since Abbie's milk came in.  Abbie and I are tired, but try to grab sleep where we can.  But so far it's Finn's world around here, and we just live in it.  Enjoy the photos!

Friday, October 24, 2008

One More of Finn...

I think he looks a lot like my Grandpa Jack!

Baby Pics

As promised, here are a few photos of Finn, Abbie and me.  More soon.