Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Chase for Sleep

Sleep dominates our lives at the moment.  Or perhaps it is better to say that the lack of sleep dominates our lives.  Or perhaps the desire to sleep dominates.  The Finnster is a finicky sleeper, with no real discernible patterns emerging yet.  It's still nurse, poop and sleep, though in no particular order, and at no particular times.  Oh well, we were warned!  Here are a few more photos as he starts to really grow into his skin (literally - most of the wrinkles are gone, and he's plumping out on mom's milk!).  Despite our lack of sleep, we still can't get enough of the little guy!


The Jacksons said...

I second that! Our kiddos have colds right now and believe it or not, the 2 year old got up 10 + times last night! The 3 month old- 3 times...
We are thinking of you three...take turns napping...

thegiordanos said...

Ha ha ha - ok I thought I was completely inefficient and stupid, when I spoke with Abbie few weeks ago and when she told me how actually she feels surprisingly rested and all...I was thinking, what the heck did I do wrong so that I still ( occasionally though) don't sleep through the night. Given wegot a double trouble, still.

Hoping that he(Finn) will be as chill as dad and less OCD than mom:)but a good sleeper in just few more weeks:)
Also, do read Gina Ford's Contented Little baby book since around 6 weeks it can get worse before getting better:)
Hugs Mirna